Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"The rainy days a man saves for usually seem to arrive during his vacation." -Anonymous

Not on this vacation-we had perfect weather! The forecast called for thunderstorms for most of the week-but there was only one-while we happened to be farther down the beach where it wasn't raining!! We had an awesome time-our house was in a great location and we all loved the pool! It was a great week!!
The House
The pool

The game room--we played pool almost every night!

Grayson's first trip to the beach-he really enjoyed it!

playing with Braedan in the sand
Mmm...what is the new snack...oh yea--the sand is salty and the little guys loved it!

Gray loves to climb in and out of things...Our last day (the Maddalenos had already left, boo!), we took the Dubois to our favorite beach on the sound-right next to the condos where we spent our honeymoon and then again two summers ago.
Bye, Bye OBX! We had a great time on our first family vacation!

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